bill beaver


how Coyote killed all the flat animals


A sick sun hangs red ball round in a dark afternoon sky. Steam rises over frozen city streets. Coyote gets on a Greyhound in Chicago bound for Denver. A massive blizzard is moving through the Great Plains. Outside the bus a blind woman is begging change. She hugs the warm massive humming side of the bus like some Madonna caressing the dying flanks of a crucified son. Coyote spits into her outstretched hand, a blessing. Coyote is wearing fur-lined rubber boots, a full length wool trench coat, blue gray stained w/oil, urine & sweat. Wrapped around his neck is a dirty red scarf embroidered in white yarn reindeer. He smells like an old toilet, like the wet floor of a hundred bars. Where he's been sleeping. He's carrying a brown bag of possessions, more like a thick pillowcase tied at the end by string. The bus is crowded but no one sits next to him, he's too nasty. He farts & hocks green blood-laced gobs onto the floor. With a long hydraulic sigh the bus pulls out of the station. It is not express but stops at every sad town in existence, some just a grain elevator & a dim cafe, some towns empty, boarded, the bus just rolling through out of habit, no where to stop. The blizzard rages. At one point early on the bus slides sideways into a snow bank. It takes two hours to get a truck to pull it out. It is bitter cold. The delay makes the passengers anxious. Coyote needs a drink. He has four bottles of Mad Dog 20/20 in the deep pockets of his coat. He sucks the first bottle down real fast. Then he sings a song:

old man
he puts it in the wrong hole
always the wrong hole
never the right hole
sometimes it slips
you hit the wrong hole
sometimes but mostly
the right hole
even if you are stupid
you hit the right hole
half the time
old man
always hits the wrong hole
never the right hole
must like it that way

At this point the bus driver yells at him to shut up. Coyote grumbles, sullen, starts his second bottle of wine...


Coyote looks out into a bitter cold frozen dawn. Blue ice under wind blown new fallen snow. Then the bus passes, fringed by a snow beard, one of those strange silhouetted flat animals,a cow this time. Coyote sees them everywhere & all kinds too -cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, horses,deer, elk, rabbits, snakes, armadillos & two leggeds also, running, walking, riding bikes,& tractors & fire trucks & horses & ATVs & golf carts all with weird ping-pong ball shaped heads. He even saw a flat coyote once, that really pissed him off. Cause these animals, they never talk to him, silent. Tried & tried but they ignore him, the stuck-up creeps. This enrages Coyote cause if they won't talk to him he can't fuck with them & it's Coyote's purpose in life to fuck with everybody. Just last month he got so angry he leaped up & tried to bite some silent walking ping-pong head two legged creep. His lower lip struck the smooth slick cold surface, froze as he fell, ripping a chunk of skin right off sending him howling into the night.

Yes, he hated all flat animals. His lips curl into a snarl at the site of a flat group of skipping two legged children flash by. He sucks down more wine, well into his third bottle. Looks around the bus, sniffing for females, maybe he'll go for a visit or two. Occasionally, one will pass by going to the toilet. Coyote lets his coat fall open, his shiney red prick sticking out from his fur. Soon the bus driver stops the bus, opens the door, tells Coyote to straighten up or be pitched out into the snow.


He hunkers down tries to be real small. Cracks open his last bottle. The fourth bottle. An important bottle. Four an important number. The four seasons. The four directions from which come the four winds, four corners. The four stages of life. The four wheels the two legged drive. Important, an important bottle. His last. He takes a big gulp, then another & another. Drains it dry. His head spinning he passes out cold. Dreaming. He is being entertained by the chiefs of the Four Wheel Nation in their luxurious teakwood paneled headquarters in Detroit. With them are the Gun People. They are singing to Coyote ...

we spiral round
let us not bore u
to rend thick air
to pierce
a strong heart
we spiral
an empty chamber
no empty chamber
we need
more ammo
more ammo
more ammo

Coyote is given a huge feast. Rolls with butter, cheese, bowls of creamy soup, tangy salads, fishes & steaks & shrimp. Then, his favorite by far, a huge kettle of rabbit stew! So rich & tasty! He dives into it, famished, a growling in his throat as he chomps it down. Delicious! His belly is getting bigger, huge. A long deep burp. For a second the veil of dream lifts & he sees himself - eating ammo! Cartridges, shells, he is holding a case of 45's up to his mouth which he drops with a yell. But ... then ... the vision returns. He sniffs suspiciously. That delicious smell. He dives into the remaining rabbit stew. Finishing it, licking up the very last drops ...

He awakens to a cold late morning bus , a low sun still orange in the east to the west far away blue sky & a hint of mountains. Head feels like something has exploded inside, shards, barb-like shrapnel piercing every part of his brain. It really hurts. His gut - Jeez it feels like it's full of, full of lead. uuuh oooooooooh ULP! rumble Uh, oh something's coming out - he looks disparately at the can - not going to make it. He slides open the window sticks his butt out into the cold. Rumble tweet POOT KAPOW! What! What is this? PHARRRRT KAPOW! Ouch! Why he's shitting bullets! Firing them too. An ass gun, how cool! His dream is real. & Look! Up from ahead looms a flat two-legged on a bicycle. Sputter KAPOW! Damn, he missed! He grabs his tail uses it to aim his asshole. sprattttt BANG! PING! Got that flat deer! wonderful! BAM! BAM! BAM! Firing like a machine-gun. Ouch, ass burns, better slow it down. KAPOW! PING! Ah sweet revenge . Gonna teach this to everyone ...

& he does. So now everywhere one goes, all over the continent, there is not one flat animal - four or two leggged - without a bright puckered bullet hole through it's flat heart or through it's head ...


NEXT: Coyote teaches the 4 wheeled 2 legged how to toss beer bottles out the window & a great recipe for tuna casserole.




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Bill Beaver
Bill Beaver lives in Tucson, AZ w/two dogs amid the ruins of a 100 year-old house. His biggest ambition in life is NOT to become a bag lady.

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