![blarrow.gif - 62 Bytes](https://thehold2002f.tripod.com/graphics/blarrow.gif) Isotopes - by Dan Zimmerman. 2001. 16 pages. Frame Publications. Contact publisher for price and postage etc. frame@cottawge.clara.co.uk
![blarrow.gif - 62 Bytes](https://thehold2002f.tripod.com/graphics/blarrow.gif) Maybe Tomorrow - by Shane Jones. $3.00. 25 pages. MuscleHead Press Chapbooks. BoneWorld Publishing, John and Nancy Berbirch, 3700 County Route 24, Russell, New York 13684
![blarrow.gif - 62 Bytes](https://thehold2002f.tripod.com/graphics/blarrow.gif) Boston: A Long Poem - by Hugh Fox. Ibbetson Street Press, 25 School Street, Somerville, MA 02143. Write for Price or Send $10.00 to Doug Holder at Ibbetson.
![blarrow.gif - 62 Bytes](https://thehold2002f.tripod.com/graphics/blarrow.gif) Switch - by Tim Gaze.2002. Anabasis/Xtant. ![blarrow.gif - 62 Bytes](https://thehold2002f.tripod.com/graphics/blarrow.gif) Unconscious at Cape Paterson - by Tim Gaze & Cornelis Vleeskens. 2002. Anabasis/Xtant.
Xtant is Jim Leftwich, 1512 Mountainside Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22903-9707. Anabasis is Thomas Lowe Taylor, Oysterville, Washington 98641-0216. Write to these folks about prices and other good great books. www.anabasispress.com
![blarrow.gif - 62 Bytes](https://thehold2002f.tripod.com/graphics/blarrow.gif) Find on line poems - by Henry Wilkens. http://www.bewrite.net/read/poetry.htm#NEW - Write him at hwilkens@bluemail.ch - Awaiting your comments on-line... he is.
![blarrow.gif - 62 Bytes](https://thehold2002f.tripod.com/graphics/blarrow.gif) Postcard Poems - by Del Ray Cross & Cassie Lewis. 2002. Cassie Lewis, 1401 Red Hawk Circle #G302, Fremont, California, 94538. To order copies, write to casslewis@graffiti.net
![blarrow.gif - 62 Bytes](https://thehold2002f.tripod.com/graphics/blarrow.gif) Young Chet and other recent poems - by Gerald Locklin. Pudding House Publications Chapbook Series. 2002. $8.95. Pudding House Publications, 60 North Main Street, Johnstown, Ohio, 43031.
Isotopes - by Dan Zimmerman. 2001. 16 pages. Frame Publications. Contact publisher for price and postage etc. frame@cottawge.clara.co.uk
A tremendously fun book, with amazement on each page and humor also -
follows the drifting imagination and it is startling how it shifts and that
shifting pops the mind into yes, I see. Chance generated from 4x4
wordsquares and run through an anagram generator and then downsized to
these neat 14 line poems this poetry engages the tech.stuff of this mod.
world. Most contemporary high-tech poetry runs like this: poet thinks of an
idea and puts it on the web. Web proves the poet's idea not poetry (mainly
because the poet doesn't do any poetry anyway). But Hear: Here then in
ISOTOPES, Zimmerman, smart read deep, Gnostic poet imagines and writes,
engages the writing with some form of tech, here anagram generator, and
then reengages with imagination, his poet imagination, engages the raw
material and produces poetry. This is the way to deal with poetry with tech.
Ah. Zimmerman shows us the path through all the websites, emails, hypertext
dull forest of unpoetic silliness. He makes poetry. Look for the light. He
lives in New Jersey!
Maybe Tomorrow - by Shane Jones. $3.00. 25 pages. MuscleHead Press Chapbooks. BoneWorld Publishing, John and Nancy Berbirch, 3700 County Route 24, Russell, New York 13684
A nice chunk of collection by one our youngest and best. Shane Jones is one
of those rare poets for whom poetry is living. Frightening how close to the
fallen and sparking electric lines of heart and soul he comes. Melding in
fact. This book divided into three sections: Moister or less clothes, the
sweetness of love - smell and puddles of robins, bunny slippers; and the
crumbling toast of a burned out love smothered with rancid butter and hard
cream cheese… and horrible fact that memory does something to old romances
- makes you remember only the crickets, the ice cream, the wonder of
Niagara Falls etc. See what fools we all are. But we see through these
windows and Shane Jones keeps them open.
Boston: A Long Poem - by Hugh Fox. Ibbetson Street Press, 25 School Street, Somerville, MA 02143. Write for Price or Send $10.00 to Doug Holder at Ibbetson.
Hugh Fox master being and form of Lord in Small Press circles has with vast
energy and deep knowledge knows all of the small press world more than any
other and better than all those teachers of poetry out there in the fancy
soft cheese world of poetry. But poetry knows Fox. Fox is the fashion in
witch one protects oneself from the unchained dog, the way of doing of
other peaks of authors. He knows so perfectly knows and that poetic is here
displayed in this poem of Boston that brings together in one spot all that
living and poetry are when merged. All places one place all information one
information a mesh and a meld and merging and coming together and implosion
of diversity - words-art-gods - and the like all like into one spots. Here
Fox is the intersection of all roads, which then makes him poet and allows
him, with clarity and ease, to make the poem, weaves it out of all the
waves coming ashore.
Switch - by Tim Gaze.2002. Anabasis/Xtant.
Unconscious at Cape Paterson - by Tim Gaze & Cornelis Vleeskens. 2002. Anabasis/Xtant.
Xtant is Jim Leftwich, 1512 Mountainside Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22903-9707. Anabasis is Thomas Lowe Taylor, Oysterville, Washington 98641-0216. Write to these folks about prices and other good great books. www.anabasispress.com
Visual works. I am sure that these are examples of imaginative deep
writing, they being other symbols and lines merged into new forms or
developing alphabets - now we have a name for these works - Asemic writing.
That is the word: Hear it: ASEMIC. But for me the delight of these books,
written in Asemic, is the reading of this work - because the new writing in
these new worlds/works with other alphabets demands a form of reading that
translates into sound each glyph or string, poem- therefore new sounds must
be made and the expansive experience is then IT. Wonderful to touch down on
this terrific planet of other writing. These authors stretch it and brake
it and broke it and IS now someplace else … in the other… place of
creativity. Obviously the air is there breathable, beautiful. Let's go.
Paint your wagon, and come along.
Find on line poems - by Henry Wilkens. http://www.bewrite.net/read/poetry.htm#NEW - Write him at hwilkens@bluemail.ch - Awaiting your comments on-line... he is.
Henry is the author of: The Farting Dog, which can be found at the sight
above-mentioned. Here is a stiff whiff: This is/ the true story/ of a
German/ ballet dancer/ who couldn't/ make it/ in Hollywood/ and ended up/
in a German/ movie/ featuring her/ with a farting dog. And just want to let
you know that the moral rights of the author have been asserted. The rights
of Harry Wilkens to be identified as the author have been asserted in
accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright etc. The poem is about
Sylvia Seidel, a young Munich ballet dancer, and now actress, explains
Wilkens, who as poet king of mid-Europe and Alps, goes on to say, who got
the LUCK to be introduced into Hollywood by Kirk Douglas. Henry Wilkens is
a gas! Check out the site… but I mean… go there for Hank's poems! I mean he
is in the great line of Henrys: Henry the 8th, Henry Miller, Henry
Hemingway, Henry Bukowski, Rames the Henry.
Postcard Poems - by Del Ray Cross & Cassie Lewis. 2002. Cassie Lewis, 1401 Red Hawk Circle #G302, Fremont, California, 94538. To order copies, write to casslewis@graffiti.net
"I've got a revolver/ I revolve," this line in the poem Foglifting by Del
Ray Cross that sticks in mind and in my admiration chamber. And this poem
is part of the sequence by Del Ray Cross in this postcard collection. And
the other half of this correspondence is Cassie Lewis, "freedom comes
disguised/ as a book of poems." Two burgeoning poets finding their rhythm
as writers by the simple demand of riting writing each day to each other a
poem, a poem on postcard. This fruit then of this conversation and merging
is this book of poems, which reads, classically like an open book to the
room in the recesses of the creative mind. The space created by mail, ol'
time, like post office, allows the poems the distance of authenticity and
this then genuine poetry conveys its intense, hence real, so to speak,
emotion, to the humble reader. Each poem arrives in the mailbox of the
imagination, and then opened and then read in the heart.
Young Chet and other recent poems - by Gerald Locklin. Pudding House Publications Chapbook Series. 2002. $8.95. Pudding House Publications, 60 North Main Street, Johnstown, Ohio, 43031.
The other day I was taking a walk, as has become my custom. You see, I must
take weight off, eat vegetables (raw without butter and salt!), and all
that bow-wow, woof woof. And I came upon some shards of plastic drinking
cup, which I dreamed once held some very cheap draft street picnic beer.
And as I looked closer, the shards seemed to become stick figures of people
and then ghosts and then they became full fleshed figures, as mush as
flattened plastic drinking cups can become full fleshed figures and art.
Art was what I was left with as I wandered away. (Lucky I did cause as I
gazed upon the flattened shards of plastic I heard a couple guys sitting on
a porch say, "Look at that crazy asshole." So as I walked I understood how
finding stuff like Yoko Ono did and does, how everything is art as you come
upon it and find it and it is the spinning off of whatever one encounters
that makes everything art and that we live totally in art if we are artists
or get into the rare rhythm of the artist's mind, where, yeah, everything
is art. And if you are a poet then everything becomes poetry. Wow I said as
I read this new book by Gerald Locklin. Wow this in fact is the highest and
bestest poetry there could ever be. Here I have encountered an artist of
the greatest caliber. Locklin is artist as everywhere. Damn! I was so
happy that the door to my enlightenment came from a plastic beer cup,
squished. I think Ger would like that notion. And to those guys on the
porch, "kiss my ripe rotten butt."
![michael basinski](https://thehold2002f.tripod.com/graphics/basinski2.jpg) Michael Basinski Assistant Curator Poetry/Rare Books Collection of the University Libraries, SUNY at Buffalo. His poems, articles and reviews have appeared in numerous publications including: Proliferation, Terrible Work, Deluxe Rubber Chicken, Boxkite, The Mill Hunk Herald, Yellow Silk, The Village Voice, Object, Oblek, Score, Generator, Juxta, Poetic Briefs, Another Chicago Magazine, Sure: A Charles Bukowski Newsletter, Moody Street Irregulars: A Jack Kerouac Newsletter, Kiosk, Earth's Daughters, Atticus Review, Mallife, Taproot, Transmog, B-City, House Organ, First Intensity, Mirage No.4/Period(ical), Lower Limit Speech, Texture, R/IFT, Chain, Antenym, Bullhead, Poetry New York, First Offence, and many others.
For more than twenty years he has performed his choral voice collages and sound texts with his intermedia performance ensemble: The Ebma, which has released two Lps: SEA and Enjambment.
His books include: Idyll (Juxta Press, 1996), Heebee-jeebies (Meow Press, 1996), SleVep (Tailspin Press, 1995), Vessels (Texture Press, 1993), Cnyttan (Meow Press, 1993), Mooon Bok (Leave Books, 1992)and Red Rain Too (1992)and Flight to the Moon (1993) from Run Away Spoon Press.
Send books and magazines for review to:
Michael Basinski
Poetry/Rare Books Collection
420 Capen Hall
SUNY at Buffalo
Bflo. New York 14260
include all info you want posted with your review: name, address, press, email, website (if available) and price |
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